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The Jubilee of the Old Believers Church of Rezhitsa

         From August 1st through the 3rd, the Rezhitsa (Resekne) community commemorated the 140 years of existence of church (molennaja). Starting on the first of August, in the exposition hall of the Latgale Museum, was organized an exposition named "The Old Believers in Photographs". The organizer of the event was the chairman of the community, Vladimir Nikonov and with the help of others, had saved the material through the years. The show piece of the exposition was the bust of Ivan Petrovich Suivitzin, by the sculptor Svetlana Skachkova.

         On August second, in the conference hall of the Hotel Latgale, a seminar was given about the 140 year existence of the Church. The first presentation was given by V. Nikonov covering the topics of the history of Rezekne and the cemetery community of Old Believers. The second presentation was presented by Professor E.Meksch of Daugavpils which covered the works of M.D.Sinitzen. Another presenter I. Trofimov spoke about the "God People" in the Old Believers cultures. A.Neminuchi spoke about the works of the icon painter Pimen Sofronov in Resekne. One of the first researchers in Latvia, A.Podmazov, made a presentation speaking about the Old Believers in the years during the first Latvian Republic. A student, V.Aleksandrova, spoke of the life and work of the icon painter Gabriella Efimovich Frolov. Illarion Ivanov, publisher of the journal "Pomorski Vestnik", brought to Rezekne the first issue of his first publication which was dedicated to the Rezekne Old Believers community and the work of the church calendar covering the first half of the 20th century. T. A.Konstantinova made a presentation about H.F.Kapterev and the big schism (Razkol).
         Like always there was a big group of scientists from Lithuania. N. Morozova made a presentation about unknown texts in the National Museums in Lithuania. The icon painter T. Yakovlev spoke of his famous older colleague, Ivan Michailov and the result of a scientific expedition, and told by G.Potachenko, about the Christian symbolism.

         It was very interesting to know about the life of the Old Believers in Estonia. It was presented to us from P.Warupin and A.G.Ponamareva from Tartu about the Old Believers in Estonia between the years of 1905 and 1917.
         During a period of many months Professor E.Ageeva from Moscow researched the life of the Old Believers community in Estonian Prechudje. Her presentation was greeted with big interest. The french professor I.Leklere from Sorbonne was greeted with big interest also, whom only recently learned Russian. His presentation was about Mif and the Old Believers colonization of Lithuania.
         In the sunny morning of August third the ringing of the bells called all to the service in the church. There was no standing room for all the people in the church. The Jubilee greetings were made to Father Vasilii Mikhailovich Bystrov and the chairman of the community Vladimir Nikonov, from the chairman of Resekne Duma J. Zachest, deputy of the Latvian Saim I. Rybakov, chairman of Resekne historical association R. Olehno, chairman of the central counsel of the Old Believers Church of Latvia, Father A. Karataev. also Father Vasili Volkov, Father Trifon Kustikov and Father Aleksei Zilko.

         The Resekne community received many new icons and books. Later the clergy visited the graves of many people where they read a service. After it, all members and guests were invited to a festive meal where the guests exchanged their impressions.
         Elena Aleksandrovna Ageeva, the research scientist of the Moscow University, stated "I am in Latvia already a third time. Earlier I participated in many conferences dedicated to the question of the Old Believers, in Poland, U.S.A., Moldavia, Russia and others but this conference in Resekne is giving me a lot of material to think about". A jubilee of 140 year existence is a rarity in out time where the whole town participates in a festival.

         Arnold Andreevich Podmazov, with a PhD. in Philosophy, was the top researcher in the question of Old Believers. He was from the University of Riga, department of Philosophy and Sociology. He stated " This is not my first time in Resekne. I remember when I went to the Vilnos conference where the people were less interested. In this conference the people are showing more interest and it is better organized." "I myself am a author of many articles and the author of the book "Old Believers Church of Latvia" and I have three more books coming".
         Nikolai Antonov, chairman of the Riga Old Believers community, had stated that the festivities were carried out on a spiritual level. He hoped the next festival would be in Riga.

         Father Trifon Kustikov, the elder of the Riga Grebechnikov community, stated that he was grateful to Father Vasil Michailovitch, who is his spiritual Father. "Today I was deeply touched and grateful for him letting me perform the service. I listened to the young readers and was very pleased how they read the cannons without errors." The choir sung with Father Aleksei Zyliko and the help of Father Vasil Volkol, Father Nikanor Zybkov, Father Andre Burpin and Ioann Zilko. All this was wrapped with the grace of God.

         Ivan Leklar PhD. Of Sabonne France, stated " I am a researcher of the Old Believers in the Baltic countries. I am a Frenchman in the university I studied Russian. I read Russian classic literature: Dostoevski, Leskov, Tolstoy and others. I studied under Professor Gregory Potachenko in Vilnus". "To listen to the seminar in Russian was difficult but very interesting. It was the first time I saw so many Old Believers and listened to your church choir. It was heavenly !"
         This is how all festivals ended. The guests went home and the community went on living their normal lives. In their memory we will remember the festival.
         Our forebearers could only dream about such festivities.

T.A. Konstantinova

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